Case Studies

Apprentice Spotlight – July 2023


Apprentice Spotlight – July 2023

Future industry leaders

As a recruitment and training provider we’re in the fortunate position of being able to not only provide our partners with talent but also to help train and shape that talent into the future leaders of the industry.

We’ve asked two of our apprentices currently working toward their Level 2 in Lean Manufacturing with Gestamp, to share some of the experiences so far whilst on programme.

Liam Cowell is currently a Manufacturing Operative and says “I applied for this apprenticeship because I’ve always felt as if hands on work is the kind of work I strive in and to be getting paid whilst learning is a big bonus on top of that. I had always wanted to experience the manufacturing environment which made this apprenticeship catch my eye.

Speaking about what he has learned so far Liam says “Throughout this apprenticeship I have gained skills such as punctuality, responsibility and understanding of different manufacturing techniques and processes”. Finally, Liam offers this about his future “For now my aim is to become a much higher skilled Welder. However; my goal within Gestamp would be to gain a role in management.”

Jack Collier is also working as a Manufacturing Operative: “I applied for the Gestamp apprenticeship because I always knew I wanted to get into Welding. Not many places offer a welding apprenticeship without going to college so that was great for me. My goal after achieving my apprenticeship is to keep on improving my skills within Gestamp and get into weld inspecting in the future”.

Would you recommend this to someone else? Jack says “I would recommend this apprenticeship because you learn lots of things within the apprenticeship and also the help is great from GEM. If you have have questions or concerns they will support”.

GEM Partnership provides apprenticeships across the manufacturing industry in the North of England supporting the upskill of workforce talent as part of succession planning, as well as the recruitment of apprentices. Find out more about our wide range of training courses and apprenticeship vacancies here.

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