Case Studies

Apprentice Spotlight – November 2023


Apprentice Spotlight – November 2023

Future industry leaders

As a recruitment and training provider we’re in the fortunate position of being able to not only provide our partners with talent but also to help train and shape that talent into the future leaders of the industry.

Last month we spoke to Sean Chidanyika who is working toward their Level 2 in Lean Manufacturing apprenticeship with Gestamp (which you can read here: (

This month we’re speaking to Justyna Porabka who is nearing completion of her Level 3 Team Leader / Supervisors Apprenticeship at Glanbia:

You’re nearing completion of your course, how have you found the journey through the apprenticeship so far?

I am very satisfied with the training. The entire course was stress-free and in a very friendly atmosphere. A big plus was constant contact with Kayleigh Johnson and Luke Golder. Apart from the fact that they make a great team, I was impressed by their optimistic and committed behaviour. The learning materials were very well prepared. Which makes learning easier.

How has the knowledge you’ve gained from your learning, helped you in practice/on the job?

I became more confident. I have been a Team Leader for over 13 years. However, this course supplemented my knowledge. The course taught me how to approach problem solving professionally. I learned what methods to use to make my work more effective.

What challenges have you found during the course and how have you overcome them?

The first basic barrier is the language barrier. For me, English is a second language, so it was another challenge. Because the learning materials have industry-specific language. Which I could expand. At the beginning of the course, it turned out that I would have to pass two additional exams in Mathematics and English. Luke Golder helped me a lot in preparing for these exams. The course built my self-confidence.

Justyna’s manager added:

Justyna has shown great determination and good attention to detail during the course, she has put a lot of effort into making sure she is ahead of schedule when completing her work. I look forward to seeing how Justyna can implement her work into her day to day role and progression in her career at Glanbia.

She has shown an improvement in her leadership within teams during her time on the course, she has also shown improved organisation within her standard day of work. Communication with her peers and team has also shown significant improvements which allows her to pass on information in a more meaningful capacity.

One of Justyna’s trainers, Kayleigh also says:

During her time on her Team Leading apprenticeship Justyna has shown commitment and enthusiasm. Justyna has had to overcome many barriers such as language barriers and work commitments but has never stopped her progression. Justyna is due to complete her end point assessment soon and I have all confidence she will gain a fantastic mark due to all her hard work.

GEM Partnership provides apprenticeships across the manufacturing industry in the North of England supporting the upskill of workforce talent as part of succession planning, as well as the recruitment of apprentices. Find out more about our wide range of training courses and apprenticeship vacancies here.

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