Case Studies

Better Health at Work – Kayleigh Johnson


Better Health at Work – Kayleigh Johnson

Weight loss and a healthier lifestyle – a personal journey.

At GEM Partnership we constantly promote Better Health at Work and through the team, push various campaigns throughout the year to work towards a healthier lifestyle.

One of our training team, Kayleigh, has been involved with Better Health at Work for around two years now and is actively part of the training and promotion for the campaign.

Recently, she started working toward a healthier lifestyle and weight loss journey:

I was eager to be involved to support a better work environment, to highlight key health achievements or areas for development and to create a space and culture where we could talk openly about concerns or issues.

After suffering an ankle injury and realising that excess weight would stop recovery, I decided enough was enough. I decided to listen to the advice provided regarding health options and joined Slimming World. Along with this, I gave up alcohol in August 2022 and I have found my journey so far very enjoyable and empowering.

I have been on my weight loss journey now for the last four months, during which I have lost 4st7lb.

Before starting the activity, I would feel sluggish, out of breath and have little energy to do extra activities. My ankle has made a faster improvement, I feel more energetic and have found confidence in myself again.

The best part of my whole journey so far would be my confidence and my new found love for a healthier lifestyle. With the support and encouragement from the team around me I have certainly overcame many obstacles.

I want to thank the Better Health at Work team for the motivation and encouragement throughout my journey and I can’t wait to support others in whatever they decide to do in their own personal journeys.

We’re incredibly proud of Kayleigh’s achievements and wish her the best in her continued journey and know that she is a great example of what we’d like to support and achieve with our Better Health at Work campaigns.


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