
Proud to support our local communities


Proud to support our local communities

Committed to supporting our local communities, we are proud to sponsor Hebburn Town Juniors Football Club.

Placing people at the heart of everything we do is a core philosophy of GEM Partnership. We do this through developing close and trusted relationships and providing the highest calibre of support. This philosophy not only applies to our customers, candidates, and our learners but it extends to the communities in which we operate.

With this in mind, we aim to have a positive impact in our local communities and partnering with Hebburn Town Juniors Football Club (FC) is our latest endeavour to provide a helping hand – we support the club by sponsoring Hebburn Town Golds U11s playing and training kits.

Hebburn Town Juniors FC, one of the largest grassroots junior football clubs in the United Kingdom, has more than 500 junior members and offers football development for boys and girls from the ages of 4 years through to 22 years.

Ian Miller, Operations Director at GEM Partnership, said: “I am delighted that we are able to sponsor Hebburn Town Golds U11s. The organisation is reliant on volunteers, in fact I volunteer as a coach myself, so it’s great to be able to support the club and contribute to the development of grassroots football for kids.

“The club provides children and teenagers with, not only an outlet for exercise, but an opportunity to connect with others in their community and develop their talents. This is reflective of the values and ambitions we have at GEM Partnership.”

Find out more about GEM Partnership and what we do here.

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