Case Studies

Apprentice Spotlight – October 2023


Apprentice Spotlight – October 2023

Future industry leaders

As a recruitment and training provider we’re in the fortunate position of being able to not only provide our partners with talent but also to help train and shape that talent into the future leaders of the industry.

Last month we spoke to one of the GEM team, Lauren who was working toward her Level 3 Team Leader/Supervisor apprenticeship (which you can read here: (

This month we’re speaking to one of our newest apprentices, Sean Chidanyika who has recently started a Level 2 in Lean Manufacturing with Gestamp:

What made you want to undergo an apprenticeship rather than other forms of employment?

I have always been interested in engineering and the different types of skills used in engineering. I was really happy to be accepted on to the apprenticeship with Gem and Gestamp because this will give me the opportunity to learn the various skills.

What have you found most enjoyable in the early part of your course?

I really enjoyed the training we had at the beginning of the apprenticeship, and it gave me an insight into what to expect on the shop floor, and it was good to be shown around the various plants, and see the size of the company.

What are your long term goals in relation to your employment?

Initially I would like to become a good cell operator, and I am looking forward to get into welding and become a welder. I would like to think that in the future I could have the opportunity to gain further engineering qualifications.

We also spoke to Ian Newton, a trainer with GEM Partnership who has been delivering Sean’s apprenticeship:

From day one, Sean showed a great attitude toward learning. He asked a lot of relevant questions and if there was something he was unsure about, he asked. When we got the group to break off into smaller teams to research a subject and create a micro-teach presentation, Sean lead his team and produced some outstanding work, and his presentation skills were excellent.

Sean has a really positive attitude, is very polite and I expect him to do very well through the apprenticeship program.

GEM Partnership provides apprenticeships across the manufacturing industry in the North of England supporting the upskill of workforce talent as part of succession planning, as well as the recruitment of apprentices. Find out more about our wide range of training courses and apprenticeship vacancies here.

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