Case Studies

Apprentice Spotlight – September 2023


Apprentice Spotlight – September 2023

Future industry leaders

As a recruitment and training provider we’re in the fortunate position of being able to not only provide our partners with talent but also to help train and shape that talent into the future leaders of the industry.

Last month we spoke to Kara who was working toward her Level 3 Business Administrator apprenticeship with JC Atkinson (which you can read here:

We’re focusing inward this month and spoke with GEM Partnership’s Quality Compliance Lead – Lauren Jones who is working toward her Level 3 Team Leader/Supervisor.

What first attracted you to undertake an apprenticeship?

I was first attracted to undertake an apprenticeship to further my knowledge and skills of the role of a Team Leader to help me to progress into this role in the future. Also, to help me build confidence to ensure I have the correct knowledge to answer any questions from the team.

Has the apprenticeship met your expectations so far?

The apprenticeship has met my expectations and more. The resources provided have helped me to gain the knowledge I need to complete the tasks set each month. My trainer is always on hand if needed and also has excellent knowledge to share along the way.

How have you found being an internal staff member, undertaking your apprenticeship through GEM?

I have found it fine being an internal staff member, I feel because GEM are a training provider, they understand the importance of their learners being given the time for Apprenticeship sessions and off the job training to take place. Also, my Line Manager is always on hand to advise if I have any questions regarding my Apprenticeship.

Finally, would you recommend an apprenticeship?

Yes, I would recommend an apprenticeship and especially for someone taking up a new role as it can really help with your knowledge, skills and behaviours. It can also help with more knowledge of the company you are working for as you have to look into things such as core values, mission statements and policies etc.

We spoke to Lauren’s manager – Quality Compliance Manager, Amy Dudley too:

Lauren has been promoted since starting her apprenticeship to Quality Compliance Lead. Lauren has progressed massively in her role since starting her apprenticeship and runs the Compliance Team on daily basis. She allocates tasks to the team ensuring all deadlines are met, she coaches and mentors the Team, ensuring they too are developing in their role alongside their apprenticeships. You can see Lauren is using the new knowledge, skills and behaviours learnt through her apprenticeship in her daily role. Lauren has gained in confidence and is an integral part of the training team, not only be leading the Compliance Team daily but supports me in all tasks. Lauren is willing to help and support the wider teams too which benefits the business as a whole.

Apprenticeships are a great benefit to the business as well as developing knowledge, skills and behaviours in the set criteria of the standard, the apprenticeship allows for these be put into practice in their roles. Lauren is developing her role daily and I can see the benefits, especially when I am out of the office, she is capable and confident to run the team.

GEM Partnership provides apprenticeships across the manufacturing industry in the North of England supporting the upskill of workforce talent as part of succession planning, as well as the recruitment of apprentices. Find out more about our wide range of training courses and apprenticeship vacancies here.

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